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The First Day of School

Monday was the first day of school. The first of many firsts in our household. Willow moving the the big school starting kindergarten and Wren starting pre-k.

Willow, Wren and Daddy before the first day of school.
I was nervous and stressed. Change is very difficult for me.  Everyday I try to develop a better relationship with change. We handled this first day as a family- with Daddy! I am so luck to have such a supportive husband for me and my girls have such an awesome, participatory father! The day was loaded with tears, nerves, change, loss, gain and we all came out on the other end a little stronger, a little braver and a little changed.

Until next time, embrace change!


Joanne said...

I know exactly how you feel! I had a very very difficult time when My kids entered kindergarten. Now I have one going into the High school and another going into middle school and its that kindergarten feeling all over again. Embrace it and enjoy All the parent invite activities...I miss them.
Blessings, Joanne

Unknown said...

Thank you Joanne! I am trying to enjoy every moment because I realize how fleeting they are!! XOXO

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